Necessary Evil Versus the Power of Social Media

Until the last year or so I have been busy building our small family business up. Literally almost brick by brick. But not quite! We’ve went from 2-3 places to 8-9, 250 miles apart in the last 2 years or so. Make that 258! South Shields to Aberdeen, a trip I’ve made a hundreds of […]
Fish, Chips and Saveloy Dips!

How is everyone? I hope you are all well and managing to stay sane throughout the craziness. Wow! It’s been a whopping 11 weeks since our last update. We’re the world worst spammers! At the start of September (how long ago does that seem now?!) it was my birthday, it is every year! So I […]
Family Walk from West End to Aberdeen City Centre

This afternoon, well yesterday but you know what I mean, I managed to drag my teenage son and daughter out for a walk. I wanted to head into the highlands, or maybe along Deeside but the script from my daughter was to “walk into town.” So given that she accompanied me for a wee trip […]
Our Aberdeen Relocation Serviced Accommodation

These 2 little bundles of energy are called Fox and Matilda! Do you want to hear their story? Fox and Matilda enjoying a wee picnic in our back garden after the intense heat of Houston it must feel such a releif to be exploring outdoors! Well the story starts when Sonny, Lola and myself were […]