South Tyneside Self Catering at it’s finest

It’s been a tough year for us all. And as many know the hospitality industry has been hit hard by lack of travel. So we’ve been busy keeping our heads above water. Improving our existing places and setting up 4 new ones since lockdown started! Quite a feat. And we’ve been busy telling you the […]
Property Wisdom – One in One Out

People say to me “I don’t know how you do it.” “You never stop” “You need to learn how to chill out” Well, I’ve finally found the solution. Wisdom teeth extraction! Last Friday I got mine taken out. Well my two left ones. By a current guest of ours. But he is a dentist! He […]
With a Little Help From my Friends

So how do we top our last thrilling blog post with talk of breakfast from Greggs on The Nook? Well first lets recap.. We mentioned a family who had travelled from the other side of the world. New Zealand to be precise. They needed a place to stay in an emergency. The accommodation originally booked for them […]
An Old School House

After reading our last blog post just over a week ago an old school friend of mine of over 30 years got in touch. Our South Shields self catering places were doing well. Really well. We’d been fully booked for weeks. And with Boris allowing the nation out to play we are expecting a boom of staycations. […]
Hospitality Engineering

I got asked if I wanted to do the Safety Engineering on a Scottish Space Centre yesterday. I kid you not! A guy I worked with 20 years ago in my first job in Aberdeen first contacted me 2 years ago about it on LinkedIn. Before I did my masters in Safety Engineering I worked […]
Landlords: We need your properties!

Hi everyone, just a short and sweet one today from me! What a lovely message from our newest owner last night. We’ve managed her place in Aberdeen after a few minor improvements we made since last summer and as you can see she is delighted with the arrangement. We are expecting a large booking in […]
South Shields Guide: Where next? You choose!

Who recognises this view? I do. The KILLER Marsden Bank! If you’ve ever done the Great North Run (worlds biggest half marathon) you’ll know as the final mile of so is after this killer bank! If you know you know… We’ve been busy today working on our properties so haven’t got round to wiring our […]
South Shields Guide: Littlehaven Beach

For todays blog I have done a straw man structure, hoping to provoke some comments and discussion and will flesh it out a bit more tomorrow before adding it to our South Shields guide on our website. Input welcome. I’m not really sure where to start with Littlehaven Beach (sorry ‘little beach’ guys, it’s what […]
Our South Shields Guide: Introduction

Although we cannot take leisure guests right now due to the lockdown, this is the start of our South Shields guide for inclusion in our new website so we aim to issue a blog a day this until the guide is complete. It is being prepared to give our guests, and anyone else we can […]
Survival, Separation and Soften up

Well we are out of the old year and into the new. The quasi respite of the festive period is gone and it is back to this new constantly changing norm. The restrictions are becoming tougher again. In Aberdeen, Scotland anyway where I now call home. Where I live, and where my 2 teenage kids […]
Aberdeen City Winter Woodland Walk

During the first lockdown, like many we slowed down. My kids decided to start spending half their time with me which we still do. We bonded more. And much of that was done in our family walks round our local area. The COVID rules were that we couldn’t leave the house apart from essential reasons […]

This is a story about togetherness, Christmas and community spirit. Right here. In the heart of a hard working class town in the the North East of England. A special town. That is called South Shields. But it could equally have been Aberdeen! Which, despite some of the negative stories, a spirit which remains stronger […]
Thanks South Shields and Aberdeen

Great news folks! Our overseas guests who over for a training course made it to the UK today. Despite the flight closures which started earlier in the week. So ALL of our South Shields self catering places are helping guests who are in the area. For work or training over the next few weeks and […]
Keep Moving Forward

We took a great booking last week. For 2 months from this Wednesday. From 2 great guys from mainland Europe. They are in the armed forces. And coming for mandatory training. A booking we can take and stay within the rules. Like we always do. It was a life saver for both parties. Many local […]
It’s a Wonderful Life…

Wow! The last Sunday before Christmas 2020. Traditionally a day of rest! Well I think we can all agree that tradition has went a bit out of the window this year. And here in the UK it is the winter solstice, the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, when the […]