With a Little Help From my Friends
So how do we top our last thrilling blog post with talk of breakfast from Greggs on The Nook? Well first lets recap.. We mentioned a family who had travelled from the other side of the world. New Zealand to be precise. They needed a place to stay in an emergency. The accommodation originally booked for them […]
Keep Moving Forward
We took a great booking last week. For 2 months from this Wednesday. From 2 great guys from mainland Europe. They are in the armed forces. And coming for mandatory training. A booking we can take and stay within the rules. Like we always do. It was a life saver for both parties. Many local […]
It’s a Wonderful Life…
Wow! The last Sunday before Christmas 2020. Traditionally a day of rest! Well I think we can all agree that tradition has went a bit out of the window this year. And here in the UK it is the winter solstice, the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, when the […]